Documentation Guidelines

Sources of information used for determining a disability and/or accommodation may include a student’s self-report, direct observation and interaction with the student, and/or documentation from qualified evaluators or professionals.

Student Self-Report

Students should complete the Online Student Application which provides students an opportunity to describe their disability and accommodations they are hoping to receive. Students may also consider providing an additional letter that further elaborates upon their experiences related to their disability, their strengths and functional limitations, barriers they have encountered, and/or previous accommodations (effective and ineffective).

Documentation from External Sources

Relevant information from external sources can help to substantiate the presence of a disability and the need for accommodations. This information should provide evidence of the functional limitations of the disability and their impact on the student’s life. Criteria for the source, scope, and content of documentation differ by disability type. Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified health care providers, psychologists, or diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., 504 plan, IEP, or ARD documents). In order to ensure an objective assessment, the professional completing the evaluation must be an impartial individual who is not related to the student.

Suggested Documentation Elements

  1. Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional
  2. Diagnostic statement with any related diagnostic methodology. Examples: diagnostic criteria, procedures, assessment instruments, and/or test scores
  3. Functional limitations or symptoms. Limitations identify which accommodations are appropriate.
  4. Severity and/or expected progression
  5. Current treatment(s) and/or medication(s) and any related side-effects
  6. Any other relevant information and/or additional information regarding the condition
  7. Current and/or past accommodations
  8. Any recommended accommodations

Students may provide a Disability Summary Report Form to be completed and signed by a qualified healthcare professional. The Office of Disability Services asks qualified healthcare professionals to fax the completed form to the Office of Disability Services at 512.245.3452.